Dr. 凯利肯尼迪

Dr. 凯利肯尼迪

Associate Professor, Director, School Counseling 和 School Psychology 项目
Attallah College of Educational Studies
专业知识: School-Based Mental Health; School-Based Counseling; LGBTQ Youth; Program Evaluation; Assessment;
办公地点: 里夫斯厅
University of California, San Diego, Bachelor of Science
University of California, Santa Barbara, Master of 艺术
University of California, Santa Barbara, Ph.D.



Dr. 凯利肯尼迪 joined the faculty of the Attallah College of Educational Studies in 2007. She teaches primarily in the School Counseling 和 School Psychology (CSP) graduate programs 和 is currently the Director of the CSP programs. Dr. Kennedy's courses include school psychology practicum 和 internship (fieldwork), 团体咨询, 多元文化咨询, 评估, 项目评估, 以及研究方法. She has also taught travel courses to Guatemala, Cambodia, 和 Vietnam. 除了指导M.A. 和艾德.S. 学生,博士. 肯尼迪与攻读博士学位的学生一起工作.D. in Education program as a mentor, dissertation committee member, 和 chair.

Dr. Kennedy's scholarly interests include 项目评估, best practices in alternative education settings, 犯罪, 少年犯的累犯, 基于力量的学校心理学, 文化能力实践, 干预措施效果跟踪, 支持LGBTQ学生, 和 the international practice of school psychology. Dr. Kennedy has co-authored two books relevant to counselors 和 psychologists working in school settings: Responsive School Practices to 支持 Lesbian, 同性恋, 双性恋, 变性人, 以及询问学生和家庭 为不同人群提供咨询. 她曾是《澳门威尼斯人app下载》的编辑 运动鞋的论坛 和 is currently an Associate Editor for 当代学校心理学.

Recent Creative, Scholarly Work 和 Publications

麦金太尔·米勒,W.M . Alomair.肯尼迪,K., & 弗格森,B. (审查). Peace leadership in community-based settings: A pilot study. 和平与冲突.
Associate Editor, 当代学校心理学
格里菲思,.J.艾尔西普,J.肯尼迪,K.钻石,E.帕尔马,C.**, Abdou,. S.维根,R.**, & 布雷迪,J. (2021) Families 和 学校 Together: Designing a Model for University-社区 Partnerships to 支持 Home-School Collaborations. 当代学校心理学. http://doi.org/10.1007/s40688-021-00358-5
哈斯,M. & 肯尼迪,K. (2021). The Significance of International Accreditation by the International Association of School Psychologists. School Psychology Training 和 Pedagogy, 38 (2), 45-50.
Associate Editor, 当代学校心理学
肯尼迪,K.格里菲斯,A., & Abdou,. 2月(2020). LGBTQ-Inclusive Curriculum, School Climate, 和 School Safety. Presentation at the National Association of School Psychologists Convention, Baltimore, MD.
戈麦斯,L.艾尔米什,L., & 肯尼迪,K. . 2月(2020). Teen Dating Violence: School Based Risk 和 Protective Factors. Presentation at the National Association of School Psychologists Convention, Baltimore, MD.
Associate Editor, 当代学校心理学
奥坎波,., & 肯尼迪,K. (2019). The relationship of collaboration 和 job satisfaction between speech-language pathologists 和 school psychologists. Contemporary Issues in Communication Sciences 和 Disorders, 4(1), 188-203. doi: 10.1044.珀耳斯- sig16 - 2018 - 0003
肯尼迪,K. (2018). 在培训师论坛上发布. 在R. G. 弗洛伊德(Ed.), Publishing in school psychology 和 related fields: An insider’s guide. 纽约:劳特利奇出版社
肯尼迪,K., & Farley J. (2018). Counseling gifted populations: School-based considerations 和 strategies. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 10(3), 361-367. doi: 10.26822 / iejee.2018336194
Associate Editor, 当代学校心理学
费舍尔,E., & 肯尼迪,K. 为不同人群提供咨询. 纽约:牛津大学出版社.
肯尼迪,K. (新闻). 在培训师论坛上发布. 在R. G. 弗洛伊德(Ed.), Publishing in school psychology 和 related fields: An insider’s guide. 纽约:劳特利奇出版社.
麦吉尔,R.肯尼迪,K., & 会,R. (2016). Data-based decision making in school counseling: Utilizing multiple single-case indicators to evaluate interventions. The Practitioner-Scholar: Journal of Counseling 和 Professional Psychology, 5, 104-121.
Associate Editor, 当代学校心理学
肯尼迪,K.麦吉尔,R., & 会,R. (审查). Utilizing single-case design to assess school counseling intervention outcomes. Submitted with revisions to: Professional School Counseling
会,R.麦吉尔,R., & 肯尼迪,K. (2014). Methods for assessing single-case intervention outcomes. 当代学校心理学,18. doi: 10.1007/s40688-014-0025-7
Associate Editor, 当代学校心理学
肯尼迪,K. (2013). Accessing community resources: Providing support for all. 在E. 费雪 & K. Kermosa-Hawkins (Eds.) Creating school environments to support lesbian, 同性恋, 双性恋, 变性人, 和 questioning students 和 families: A h和book for school professionals (pp. 243-255). 纽约:劳特利奇出版社.
会,R.卡里尔,J.A.,哈斯,M., & 肯尼迪,K. (2013). Assessing intern impact factors for 项目评估 和 improvement. 训练员论坛,31(2),61-70.
费舍尔,E., & 肯尼迪,K. (2012). Responsive practices to support lesbian, 同性恋, 双性恋, 变性人, 和 questioning students 和 families. 纽约:劳特利奇出版社.
辛辣,年代.里弗斯,K.肯尼迪,K., & Lombardino L. (2012). Effects of multisensory phonics-based training on the word recognition 和 spelling skills of adolescents with reading disabilities. International Journal of Special Education, 12(1), 1-15.
费舍尔,E.肯尼迪,K., & 莫里森,G. (2011). Contemporary approaches to assessing school discipline. 在年代. Jimerson,. Nickerson, M. 迈耶, & M. 弗隆(Eds.) H和book of school violence 和 school safety: International research 和 practice, 第二版(pp). 305-316). 纽约:劳特利奇出版社.
多德,J. L,坎波,A.蒙哥马利,美国. & 肯尼迪,K. (2011). Perspective-taking through narratives: An intervention for students with ASD. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 33(1), 23-33.
Graydon K. S.吉姆森,S. R., & 费舍尔,E. S. (2010) Death 和 grief in the family: Providing support at school. 在一个. S. 慢跑、L. 佩奇, & S. 肖(Eds.). Helping children at home 和 school: H和outs from your school psychologist (3rd ed.). Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists.
Graydon K. S.吉姆森,S. R., & 费舍尔,E. S. (2010). Death 和 grief in the family: Tips for parents. 在一个. S. 慢跑、L. 佩奇, & S. 肖(Eds.). Helping children at home 和 school: H和outs from your school psychologist (3rd ed.). Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists.
费舍尔,E. S.吉姆森,S. R.巴雷特,B. N., & Graydon K. S. (2010). Crisis: Helping children cope with grief 和 loss. 在一个. S. 慢跑、L. 佩奇, & S. 肖(Eds.). Helping children at home 和 school: H和outs from your school psychologist (3rd ed.). Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists.
肯尼迪,K. & 费舍尔,E. (2010). 双性恋 students in secondary schools: underst和ing unique experiences 和 developing responsive practices. 双性恋杂志,10,472-485.
哈斯,M., & Graydon K. (2009). Sources of resiliency among foster youth. Child 和 Youth Services Review, 31 (4), 457-463.