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Interior of Leatherby Center for Entrepreneurship
Leatherby Center for Entrepreneurship & 商业道德

» Entrepreneurship at Chapman

莱瑟比中心 愿景 is to inspire, educate, and empower the next generation of talent to have an entrepreneurial mindset. We encourage students to innovate, take risks, and be future global citizens.

我们的 任务 is to provide hands-on experience to the next generation of talent, guiding them to launch and scale ventures which aim to solve the world's most challenging problems. 

澳门威尼斯人app下载大学 supports entrepreneurs of all types: 

  • Tech and innovation startups 
  • 小型企业 
  • Sole proprietorship​s, and 
  • Intrapreneurs innovating inside large corporations 

The entrepreneurship program is open to all students. Business majors may add an emphasis in entrepreneurship, and non-business majors can add a minor in entrepreneurship. The Leatherby Center offers a wide range of courses in entrepreneurship: 

  • How to Run a Successful Business 
  • Venture Capital and Entrepreneurship
  • Protecting Ideas and Innovation 
  • Customer Acquisition and Insights 
  • Sports and Entertainment Marketing 
  • 创业融资 
  • 全球创业 
  • 社会企业家精神 
  • Corporate Sustainability Management 
  • 创业失败 
  • 商业区块链  

To complement our curriculum, 我们举办活动, 圆桌会议, 客座演讲, and other programs that are open to all students, 工作人员, 以及整个社区.  

The Leatherby Center is also an incubator for new business startups. The Center has a mentorship program where mentors provide their expertise to students. 我们的 mentors come from a wide range of industries and have varied skill sets.

The Center has committed mentors, or Entrepreneurs in Residence (EIRs), who hold ‘office hours.’ EIRs are accessible to students for ongoing advice and consultation. We also have project team rooms that student, 工作人员, and alumni-run startups can utilize.  

We host competitions where students can hone their business concepts and plans in front of judges. 我们的 annual Panther Cage Match boasts cash prizes. For example, Eli Schecter, our #1 winner of the Panther Cage competition in 2022, is running 安全的标题 作为澳门威尼斯人app下载大学的大四学生. 在他获胜之后, Eli筹集了300美元,000 for his company and attracted a CEO from the Tesla Foundation to assist him. 

We are proud to have been the birthplace of many successful, ongoing businesses. 点击这里 对于整个列表. 



The Leatherby Center is an incubator for startups. We offer a structured program guiding entrepreneurs from idea to business plan. 学生, 工作人员, and alumni may apply.


Learn about the multiple ways to get involved by visiting our various program pages.