» 订购官方成绩单

此页面的快捷方式: www.澳门威尼斯人app下载.edu/transcripts 

澳门威尼斯人app下载大学授权 羊皮纸 代表其提供成绩单订购服务. For instructions on how to order a transcript through 羊皮纸, please watch the following video.


Law School transcripts must also be requested 从 the 羊皮纸 website. 订单法学院成绩单

布兰德曼大学的成绩单必须从 麻省大学全球分校

学生需要 公证成绩单 应该完成 申请公证表格 然后发邮件到 regforms@澳门威尼斯人app下载.edu. For additional information regarding the notary process, please see the 常见问题解答 below.

的 Office of the University Registrar releases academic record transcripts in compliance with the 家庭教育权利和隐私法(FERPA) and issues official transcripts only with a signed permission 从 the owner of the student record. A one-time consent form to release your transcript may be required.


Ordering Transcripts for 澳门威尼斯人app下载大学 学生: Current, Former and 校友


  • 当前的学生 应该要求他们的成绩单通过吗 StudentCenter.澳门威尼斯人app下载.edu. 从学生中心主页, 点击“学习成绩”标签, then select "Request Official Transcript" 从 the left-hand column menu.
  • 以前的学生 可以通过 羊皮纸服务.
  • 选择投递方式.
  • 使用任何主要的信用卡支付你的订单.
  • Save the order number received at the end of your transaction to track your order.


  • 成绩单10美元.00每. 的 邮件和传真/邮件 deliveries will be sent out 从 羊皮纸 via First-Class U.S. 邮件.
  • 冲/联邦快递 送货服务需额外支付32美元.00.
    • 联邦快递不能寄到P.O. 盒子和将需要签名交付.
    • Tracking number will be provided to the order once the order has been sent.


  • An option is available to add attachments to your order via the official order form.